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пали Vacībhedapavattakacittasamuṭṭhānapathavīdhātuyā upādiṇṇaghaṭṭanassa paccayo ākāravikāro vacīviññatti, adhippāyappakāsanarasā, vacīghosahetubhāvapaccupaṭṭhānā, cittasamuṭṭhānapathavīdhātupadaṭṭhānā.
Nyanamoli thera 62. 15. Verbal intimation is the mode (conformation) and the alteration (deformation) in the consciousness-originated earth element that causes that occurrence of speech utterance which mode and alteration are a condition for the knocking together of clung-to matter. 28 Its function is to display intention. It is manifested as the cause of the voice in speech. Its proximate cause is the consciousness-originated earth element.
Комментарий оставлен 24.09.2020 18:02 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 28. Vacībheda—”speech utterance” is not in PED, which does not give this use of bheda. Vism-mhṭ (p. 452) explains:
The function (—‘knocking together’) of the vocal apparatus (—‘clung-to matter’)