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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 1 >> 8. Воспоминание как предмет медитации >> Памятование о дыхании >> Абзац
пали Tattha dvīhākārehi pīti paṭisaṃviditā hoti ārammaṇato ca asammohato ca.
khantibalo Здесь восторг ощущается двумя способами - с опорой и с отсутствием неведения.
Nyanamoli thera Herein, the happiness is experienced in two ways: (a) with the object, and (b) with non-confusion. 63
Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 22:46 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 63.
“‘With the object’: under the heading of the object. The happiness included in the jhāna that has that object is experienced ‘because of the experiencing of the object.’
What is meant?
Just as, when a man who is looking for a snake discovers (experiences) its abode, the snake is, as it were, already discovered (experienced) and caught, owing to the ease with which he will then be able to catch it with charms and spells, so too, when the object, which is the abode of the happiness, is experienced (discovered), then the happiness itself is experienced (discovered) too, owing to the ease with which it will be apprehended in its specific and general characteristics.
‘By his penetration of its characteristics’: by penetration of the specific and general characteristics of happiness.
For when the specific and general characteristics of anything are experienced then that thing is experienced according to reality”