пали |
Ekānusandhikaṃ suttaṃ nidānena ādikalyāṇaṃ, nigamanena pariyosānakalyāṇaṃ, sesena majjhekalyāṇaṃ.
khantibalo |
Сутта с одной смысловой последовательностью прекрасна в начале с введением, прекрасна в конце с заключением и прекрасна в середине с тем, что между ними. |
Nyanamoli thera |
A sutta with a single sequence of meaning30 is good in the beginning with the introduction, good in the end with the conclusion, and good in the middle with what is in between. |
Comm. NT: 30. Anusandhi—“sequence of meaning”: a technical commentarial term signifying both a particular subject treated in a discourse, and also the way of linking one subject with another in the same discourse. At M-a I 175 three kinds are distinguished: sequence of meaning in answer to a question (pucchānusandhi—e.g. M I 36), that to suit a personal idiosyncrasy, (ajjhāsayānusandhi—e.g. M I 23) and that due to the natural course of the teaching (yathānusandhi—e.g. the whole development of MN 6).