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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 1 >> 7. Шесть воспоминаний >> 1. Воспоминание о Будде >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали Tathā hesa ekaṃ cakkavāḷaṃ āyāmato ca vitthārato ca yojanānaṃ dvādasasatasahassāni catutiṃsasatāni ca paññāsañca yojanāni.
khantibalo Потому что этот мир измеряется следующим образом: Одна система миров составляет 1 203 450 йоджан в ширину и высоту.
Nyanamoli thera For accordingly this [world measures as follows]: One world-sphere14 is twelve hundred thousand leagues and thirty-four hundred and fifty leagues (1,203,450) in breadth and width.
Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 20:43 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 14. Cakkavāḷa (world-sphere or universe) is a term for the concept of a single complete universe as one of an infinite number of such universes. This concept of the cosmos, in its general form, is not peculiar to Buddhism, but appears to have been the already generally accepted one. The term loka-dhātu (world-element), in its most restricted sense, is one world-sphere, but it can be extended to mean any number, for example, the set of world-spheres dominated by a particular Brahmā (see MN 120). As thus conceived, a circle of “world-sphere mountains” “like the rim of a wheel” (cakka—Vism-mhṭ 198) encloses the ocean. In the centre of the ocean stands Mount Sineru (or Meru), surrounded by seven concentric rings of mountains separated by rings of sea. In the ocean between the outermost of these seven rings and the enclosing “world-sphere mountain” ring are the “four continents.”
“Over forty-two thousand leagues away” (Dhs-a 313) the moon and the sun circulate above them inside the world-sphere mountain ring, and night is the effect of the sun’s going behind Sineru. The orbits of the moon and sun are in the sense-sphere heaven of the Four Kings (Catumahārājā), the lowest heaven, which is a layer extending from the world-sphere mountains to the slopes of Sineru. The stars are on both sides of them (Dhs-a 318). Above that come the successive layers of the other five sense- sphere heavens—the four highest not touching the earth—and above them the fine-material Brahmā-worlds, the higher of which extend over more than one world- sphere (see A V 59). The world-sphere rests on water, which rests on air, which rests on space. World-spheres “lie adjacent to each other in contact like bowls, leaving a triangular unlit space between each three” (Vism-mhṭ 199), called a “world-interspace” (see too M-a IV 178). Their numbers extend thus in all four directions to infinity on the supporting water’s surface.

Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 20:44 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: The southern continent of Jambudīpa is the known inhabited world (but see e.g. DN 26). Various hells (see e.g. MN 130; A V 173; Vin III 107) are below the earth’s surface. The lowest sensual-sphere heaven is that of the Deities of the Four Kings (Cātumahārājika). The four are Dhataraṭṭha Gandhabba-rāja (King of the East), Virūḷha Kumbhaṇḍa-rāja (King of the South), Virūpaka Nāga-rāja (King of the West), and Kuvera or Vessavaṇa Yakkha-rāja (King of the North—see DN 32). Here the moon and sun circulate. The deities of this heaven are often at war with the Asura demons (see e.g. D II 285) for possession of the lower slopes of Sineru. The next higher is Tāvatiṃsa (the Heaven of the Thirty-three), governed by Sakka, Ruler of Gods (sakka- devinda). Above this is the heaven of the Yāma Deities (Deities who have Gone to Bliss) ruled by King Suyāma (not to be confused with Yama King of the Underworld—see M III 179). Higher still come the Deities of the Tusita (Contented) Heaven with King Santusita. The fifth of these heavens is that of the Nimmānarati Deities (Deities who Delight in Creating) ruled by King Sunimmita. The last and highest of the sensual- sphere heavens is the Paranimmitavasavatti Heaven (Deities who Wield Power over Others’ Creations). Their king is Vasavatti (see A I 227; for details see Vibh-a 519f.). Māra (Death) lives in a remote part of this heaven with his hosts, like a rebel with a band of brigands (M-a I 33f.). For destruction and renewal of all this at the end of the aeon, see Ch. XIII.