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пали Vibhaṅgepi vuttaṃ "iti ayañca vitakko ayañca vicāro santā honti samitā vūpasantā atthaṅgatā abbhatthaṅgatā appitā byappitā sositā visositā byantikatā, tena vuccati avitakkaṃ avicāra"nti (vibha. 576).
Nyanamoli thera Also it is said in the Vibhaṅga: “So this applied thought and this sustained thought are quieted, quietened, stilled, set at rest, set quite at rest, done away with, quite done away with,43 dried up, quite dried up, made an end of; hence it is said: without applied thought, without sustained thought” (Vibh 258).
Комментарий оставлен 10.08.2021 21:50 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 43. Appita—“done away with”: Appitā ti vināsaṃ gamitā (“Appita” means “made to go to annihilation”) (Vism-mhṭ 153). This meaning, though not in PED, is given in CPD.