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пали Vātaggahaṇatthaṃ pakkhe phandāpayamānassa gamanaṃ viya anumajjanabhāvena pavatto vicāro"ti vuttaṃ, taṃ anuppabandhena pavattiyaṃ yujjati.
Nyanamoli thera Sustained thought occurs with the individual essence of continued pressure, like the bird’s movement when it is using (activating) its wings for the purpose of keeping hold on the air. For it keeps pressing the object27”. That fits in with the latter’s occurrence as anchoring.
Комментарий оставлен 08.02.2019 18:53 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 27. These two sentences, “So hi ekaggo hutvā appeti” and “So hi ārammaṇaṃ anumajjati,” are not in Be and Ae.