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пали Patthanīye pana leṇasammate dakkhiṇagirihatthikucchicetiyagiricittalapabbatasadise vihāre viharantaṃ ayamarahāti sambhāvetvā vanditukāmā manussā samantā osaranti, tenassa na phāsu hoti, yassa pana taṃ sappāyaṃ hoti, tena divā aññatra gantvā rattiṃ vasitabbaṃ.
Nyanamoli thera 10. 9. When he lives in a monastery that is famous and renowned in the world, like Dakkhiṇagiri1 Hatthikucchi, Cetiyagiri or Cittalapabbata, there are always people coming who want to pay homage to him, supposing that he is an Arahant, which inconveniences him. But if it suits him, he can live there at night and go elsewhere by day.
Комментарий оставлен 10.08.2021 19:20 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 1.
They say it is the Dakkhiṇagiri in the Magadha country
There is mention of a Dakkhiṇagiri-vihāra at M-a II 293 and elsewhere.