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пали Yassa kammāyūhanakkhaṇe lobhādosamohā balavanto honti itare mandā, so purimanayeneva luddho ceva hoti dandho ca, sīlako pana hoti akkodhano (bākulatthero viya).
Nyanamoli thera “When, at the moment of his accumulating kamma, greed, non-hate and delusion are strong and the others are weak, then in the way already stated he both has greed and is dull but is good-tempered20 and unangry, like the Elder Bahula.“
Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 18:56 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 20. Sīlaka—”good-tempered”—sukhasīla (good-natured—see §83), which = sakhila (kindly—Vism-mhṭ 104). Not in PED.