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пали Tattha taṇhā rāgoyeva, māno ca taṃsampayuttoti tadubhayaṃ rāgacariyaṃ nātivattati.
Nyanamoli thera Herein craving is simply greed; and pride18 is associated with that, so neither of them exceeds greed.
Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 18:53 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 18. Māna, usually rendered by “pride,” is rendered here both by “pride” and “conceit.” Etymologically it is derived perhaps from māneti (to honour) or mināti (to measure). In sense, however, it tends to become associated with maññati, to conceive (false notions, see M I 1), to imagine, to think (as e.g. at Nidd I 80, Vibh 390 and comy.). As one of the “defilements” (see M I 36) it is probably best rendered by “pride.” In the expression asmi-māna (often rendered by “the pride that says ‘I am’”) it more nearly approaches maññanā (false imagining, misconception, see M III 246) and is better rendered by the “conceit ‘I am,’” since the word “conceit” straddles both the meanings of “pride” (i.e. haughtiness) and “conception.”