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пали Tattha saṃkiliṭṭhacittassa paresaṃ vā bhedāya attano piyakamyatāya vā kāyavacīpayogasamuṭṭhāpikā cetanā pisuṇavācā.
Бхиккху Бодхи [Having abandoned slander] “Slander” is the volition occasioning bodily or vocal effort in one who, with a defiled mind, aims at dividing others or winning the affection of others for oneself.
Комментарий оставлен 06.11.2019 16:56 автором khantibalo
Whether one at whom the slander is directed suffers division or not, as long as the meaning is communicated it is sufficient (for an act of slander to take place). But the act reaches the level of a course of kamma (kammapatha) only when division occurs.