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пали Niccammagāvūpamāyaṃ pana yathā sā gāvī gīvato yāva khurā, tāva cammaṃ uddāletvā muttā yaṃ yadeva nissāya tiṭṭhati, tattha pāṇakehi khajjamānā dukkhassevādhikaraṇaṃ hoti, evaṃ phassopi yaṃ yadeva vatthuṃ ārammaṇaṃ vā nissāya tiṭṭhati, taṃtaṃvatthārammaṇasambhavassa vedayitadukkhassa adhikaraṇameva hoti.
Nyanamoli thera Then, as regards the simile of the flayed cow: If a cow were stripped of its skin from the neck to the hooves and then set free, whatever it would rest upon would become a basis of pain for it, since it would be bitten by the small creatures living there. [34] So too, whatever physical basis or object contact stands upon as its support becomes a basis for the felt pain originating from that basis or object.[35]
Комментарий оставлен 01.04.2021 19:05 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: [34] The sutta elaborates as follows: If the cow stands, the creatures in the air attack it; if it leans against a wall, the creatures in the wall attack it; if it lies down, the creatures in the ground attack it; if it enters a pool of water, the creatures in the water attack it.
[35] Contact arises from the coming together of an object, a physical basis or sense faculty (vatthu), and the corresponding type of consciousness.