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пали Tatrāyaṃ bhūtamatthaṃ katvā saṅkhepato atthayojanā, dve kira jāyampatikā puttaṃ gahetvā parittena pātheyyena yojanasatikaṃ kantāramaggaṃ paṭipajjiṃsu.
Nyanamoli thera Therein, taking the essential meaning, there follows a brief interpretation of the meaning. A couple, it is said, a man and his wife, took their son and set out on a desert trail a hundred yojanas long,[31] with only limited provisions.
Комментарий оставлен 01.04.2021 19:03 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: A yojana is about seven miles.