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Адрес: Три корзины (основные тексты) >> Корзина дисциплины (Виная Питака) >> Большой раздел (махавагга) >> 1. Большой раздел >> 25. Aññatitthiyapubbakathā >> Абзац
пали "Sace, bhikkhave, aññatitthiyapubbo naggo āgacchati, upajjhāyamūlakaṃ cīvaraṃ pariyesitabbaṃ.
khantibalo Монахи, если тот, кто ранее был последователем другой религии, приходит обнажённым, следует найти одеяние для него у наставника.
Khematto Bhikkhu “If one who was previously a member of another religion comes naked, they should search for a robe out of the preceptor’s funds.
Комментарий оставлен 08.10.2021 10:35 автором anotatta
Comm. KT: “They should search for a robe out of the preceptor’s funds.” Putting the preceptor in charge, they should search for a robe for him. And likewise with the bowl. So if the preceptor has a bowl and robes, he should be told, “Give them to him.” But if he doesn’t have them, and someone else wants to give them, he should give them to the preceptor, (saying,) “Make these yours and then give them to him.” Why? Sectarians are generally obstreperous. Saying, “The Saṅgha gave me my bowl and robes. Why should I be dependent on you?” he wouldn’t do as taught and admonished. But if his livelihood lies with the preceptor, he will do what he is told. So it is said, “They should search for a robe out of the preceptor’s funds.”