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пали Tasmā sopi mahāpuriso "sattāhaṃ mayā koṭisatasahassasaṅkhānaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ dānaṃ dātuṃ vaṭṭatī"ti cintetvā tasmiṃ maṇḍape buddhappamukhaṃ bhikkhusaṅghaṃ nisīdāpetvā sattāhaṃ gavapānaṃ nāma dānaṃ adāsi.
Rhys Davids Therefore this Bodhisatta also thinking: “I ought to give alms for seven days to a million million priests,” seated them in that hall, and for a week gave them the alms called gavapāna
Комментарий оставлен 15.03.2022 15:13 автором igorzh
На a-b-t есть примечания к слову gavapāna.
According to the gloss printed in the text it is a compund of milk, rice, honey, sugar and clarified butter.