пали |
Thero āha "parinibbuto, mahārāja, bhagavā, na ca bhagavā pūjaṃ sādiyati, bodhimūle yeva tathāgatassa sādiyanā pahīnā, kiṃ pana anupādisesāya nibbānadhātuyā parinibbutassa.
N.K.G. Mendis |
The Elder said: “Sire, the Blessed One has attained final Nibbāna, and the Blessed One does not accept homage. At the root of the Bodhi Tree itself acceptance was abandoned by the Tathāgata, all the more then now when he has attained final Nibbāna in the element of Nibbāna that has no substrate remaining for further existence. |
Rhys Davids T.W. |
‘The Blessed One, O king,’ replied the Elder, ‘is entirely set free. And the Blessed One accepts no gift. Even at the foot of the Tree of Wisdom he abandoned all accepting of gifts, how much more then now when he has passed entirely away by that kind of passing away which leaves no root over (for the formation of a new existence). |
Парибок А.В. |
Тхера сказал: – Блаженный ушел в покой, государь, и Блаженный не приемлет культа. Уже под древом просветления всякое приятие у Татхагаты пропало, тем более – у ушедшего в окончательный безостаточный покой. |