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пали 49.Tena kho pana samayena te jaṭilā sītāsu hemantikāsu rattīsu antaraṭṭhakāsu himapātasamaye najjā nerañjarāya ummujjantipi, nimujjantipi, ummujjananimujjanampi karonti.
Anandajoti bhikkhu Then at that time those yogis, in the cold Winter nights, in between ‘the eights’, at the time of the snowfall, in the river Nerañjarā, were plunging in, and plunging out, were plunging in and out.
khantibalo В то время холодными зимними ночами, между "восьмёрками", во время снегопада, в реке Неранджаре аскеты то погружались, то выныривали, погружались и выныривали.
Khematto Bhikkhu Then at that time, the coiled-hair ascetics, in the cold, winter “Eight In-between1” days, the time of snowfall—were emerging and submerging in the Nerañjarā River—doing submerging-and-emerging.
Комментарий оставлен 06.10.2021 15:35 автором anotatta
Comm. KT: 1. The “Eight In-between” days is a period in February, regarded in northern India as the coldest part of the year. Commentary to MN 12: antaraṭṭhakāti māghamāsassa avasāne catasso, phagguṇamāsassa ādimhi catassoti evaṃ ubhinnaṃ antare aṭṭharatti. — ‘Eight In-between’: ‘four at the end of the month of Māgha, four at the beginning of the month of Phagguṇa’ thus eight days in between the two.