пали |
Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno tassā mahāupāsikāya gambhīrāya dhammakathāya lokuttarāya suññatappaṭisaṃyuttāya anumodanaṃ akāsi.
N.K.G. Mendis |
Venerable Nāgasena gave his thanks with a profound talk on the Abhidhamma connected with supramundane matters, dealing with emptiness. |
Rhys Davids T.W. |
And Nāgasena, in pronouncing the thanksgiving discourse, dwelt on the profounder side of the Abhidhamma, not on matters of mere ordinary morality, but on those relating to Arahatship. |
Парибок А.В. |
И достопочтенный Нагасена произнес для нее глубокую проповедь об абхидхарме, надмирную76, толкующую о пустоте77. |
lokuttarāya здесь он переводит "надмирную", но дальше lokuttara переводит как "сверхмирская"