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пали | "Seyyathāpi, māṇava, andhaveṇi paramparāsaṃsattā purimopi na passati majjhimopi na passati pacchimopi na passati; evameva kho, māṇava, andhaveṇūpamaṃ maññe brāhmaṇānaṃ bhāsitaṃ sampajjati – purimopi na passati majjhimopi na passati pacchimopi na passatī"ti. |
Бхиккху Бодхи | Suppose there were a file of blind men each in touch with the next: the first one does not see, the middle one does not see, and the last one does not see. So too, student, in regard to their statement the brahmins seem to be like a file of blind men: the first one does not see, the middle one does not see, and the last one does not see." |