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Адрес: Три корзины (основные тексты) >> Корзина дисциплины (Виная Питака) >> Большой раздел (махавагга) >> 8. Cīvarakkhandhako >> 232. Aṭṭhacīvaramātikā >> Абзац
пали Bhikkhāpaññattiyā deti, yattha saṅghassa dhuvakārā kariyyanti, tattha deti.
Khematto Bhikkhu One gives where food is prepared: It is given where they do the regular duties for the Saṅgha.
Комментарий оставлен 19.10.2021 17:45 автором anotatta
Comm. KT: One gives where food is prepared: In one’s own designated food-distribution place, thus it is said, “where they do the regular duties for the Saṅgha.” The meaning of which: In whatever dwelling the duty of offering cooked (food) to the Saṅgha is carried out in the presence of this donor of robe-cloth; or in whatever dwelling he takes on the duty himself and feeds the monks; or wherever he has had a residence (for monks) built; or regular lottery-meals, etc., for the sake of which the entire dwelling was established: nothing needs to be said in this case. These are called regular duties. — “Cooked food duty”: offering duty. — So if he says, “Wherever my regular duties are done, I give there,” or, “(You) give there,” and if the regular duties are done in many places, it is given in all of those places. — But if in one dwelling there are more monks, he should be told, “In one place for your regular duties there are many monks; in the other there are few.” If he says, “Take it by counting the monks,” it is acceptable to divide it and take it. But here this refers to cloth, medicine, etc., which are small and easily divided. But if there’s just one bed or bench, he should be asked, and it should be given to whichever dwelling or lodging he decides on. If he says, “Let such-and-such monk take it,” that’s acceptable. But if he says, “Give it where my regular duties (are done),” and goes without deciding, it is acceptable for the Saṅgha to decide. It should be decided like this: “Give it in the place where the most senior monk of the Saṅgha is staying.” If his lodging is fully stocked, it should be given wherever there is a lack. If one monk says, “In the place I’m staying there are no consumables or equipment for the lodging,” it should be given there.