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739. Lakkhaṇāni pana kissa amanasikārā kena paṭicchannattā na upaṭṭhahanti? Aniccalakkhaṇaṃ tāva udayabbayānaṃ amanasikārā santatiyā paṭicchannattā na upaṭṭhāti. Dukkhalakkhaṇaṃ abhiṇhasampaṭipīḷanassa amanasikārā iriyāpathehi paṭicchannattā na upaṭṭhāti. Anattalakkhaṇaṃ nānādhātuvinibbhogassa amanasikārā ghanena paṭicchannattā na upaṭṭhāti. Udayabbayampana pariggahetvā santatiyā vikopitāya aniccalakkhaṇaṃ yāthāvasarasato upaṭṭhāti. Abhiṇhasampaṭipīḷanaṃ manasikatvā iriyāpathe ugghāṭite dukkhalakkhaṇaṃ yāthāvasarasato upaṭṭhāti. Nānādhātuyo vinibbhujitvā ghanavinibbhoge kate anattalakkhaṇaṃ yāthāvasarasato upaṭṭhāti.

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739.Lakkhaṇāni pana kissa amanasikārā kena paṭicchannattā na upaṭṭhahanti? 3. Now, the characteristics fail to become apparent when something is not given attention and so something conceals them. What is that?
Aniccalakkhaṇaṃ tāva udayabbayānaṃ amanasikārā santatiyā paṭicchannattā na upaṭṭhāti. Firstly, the characteristic of impermanence does not become apparent because when rise and fall are not given attention, it is concealed by continuity.
Dukkhalakkhaṇaṃ abhiṇhasampaṭipīḷanassa amanasikārā iriyāpathehi paṭicchannattā na upaṭṭhāti. The characteristic of pain does not become apparent because, when continuous oppression is not given attention, it is concealed by the postures.
Anattalakkhaṇaṃ nānādhātuvinibbhogassa amanasikārā ghanena paṭicchannattā na upaṭṭhāti. The characteristic of not-self does not become apparent because when resolution into the various elements is not given attention, it is concealed by compactness.
Udayabbayampana pariggahetvā santatiyā vikopitāya aniccalakkhaṇaṃ yāthāvasarasato upaṭṭhāti. 4. However, when continuity is disrupted by discerning rise and fall, the characteristic of impermanence becomes apparent in its true nature.
Abhiṇhasampaṭipīḷanaṃ manasikatvā iriyāpathe ugghāṭite dukkhalakkhaṇaṃ yāthāvasarasato upaṭṭhāti. When the postures are exposed by attention to continuous oppression, the characteristic of pain becomes apparent in its true nature.
Nānādhātuyo vinibbhujitvā ghanavinibbhoge kate anattalakkhaṇaṃ yāthāvasarasato upaṭṭhāti. When the resolution of the compact is effected by resolution into elements, the characteristic of not- self becomes apparent in its true nature.3 Comm. NT: 3. Cf. Peṭ 128. In the commentary to the Āyatana-Vibhaṅga we find: Again, in the commentary to Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 22: ...
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