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"Bhavapaccayā, bhikkhave, jāti - pe - upādānapaccayā, bhikkhave, bhavo… taṇhāpaccayā, bhikkhave, upādānaṃ… vedanāpaccayā, bhikkhave, taṇhā… phassapaccayā, bhikkhave, vedanā… saḷāyatanapaccayā, bhikkhave, phasso… nāmarūpapaccayā, bhikkhave, saḷāyatanaṃ… viññāṇapaccayā, bhikkhave, nāmarūpaṃ… saṅkhārapaccayā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṃ… avijjāpaccayā, bhikkhave, saṅkhārā uppādā vā tathāgatānaṃ anuppādā vā tathāgatānaṃ, ṭhitāva sā dhātu dhammaṭṭhitatā dhammaniyāmatā idappaccayatā. Taṃ tathāgato abhisambujjhati abhisameti. Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññāpeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti. 'Passathā'ti cāha 'avijjāpaccayā, bhikkhave, saṅkhārā'. Iti kho, bhikkhave, yā tatra tathatā avitathatā anaññathatā idappaccayatā – ayaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, paṭiccasamuppādo.

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"Bhavapaccayā, bhikkhave, jāti - pe - upādānapaccayā, bhikkhave, bhavo… taṇhāpaccayā, bhikkhave, upādānaṃ… vedanāpaccayā, bhikkhave, taṇhā… phassapaccayā, bhikkhave, vedanā… saḷāyatanapaccayā, bhikkhave, phasso… nāmarūpapaccayā, bhikkhave, saḷāyatanaṃ… viññāṇapaccayā, bhikkhave, nāmarūpaṃ… saṅkhārapaccayā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṃ… avijjāpaccayā, bhikkhave, saṅkhārā uppādā vā tathāgatānaṃ anuppādā vā tathāgatānaṃ, ṭhitāva sā dhātu dhammaṭṭhitatā dhammaniyāmatā idappaccayatā. Continued existence is a condition for rebirth … Grasping is a condition for continued existence … Craving is a condition for grasping … Feeling is a condition for craving … Contact is a condition for feeling … The six sense fields are a condition for contact … Name and form are conditions for the six sense fields … Consciousness is a condition for name and form … Choices are a condition for consciousness … Ignorance is a condition for choices. Whether Realized Ones arise or not, this law of nature persists, this regularity of natural principles, this invariance of natural principles, specific conditionality. From birth as a requisite condition comes aging-&-death. “From becoming as a requisite condition comes birth.… “From clinging/sustenance as a requisite condition comes becoming.… “From craving as a requisite condition comes clinging/sustenance.… “From feeling as a requisite condition comes craving.… “From contact as a requisite condition comes feeling.… “From the six sense media as a requisite condition comes contact.… “From name-&-form as a requisite condition come the six sense media.… “From consciousness as a requisite condition comes name-&-form.… “From fabrications as a requisite condition comes consciousness.… “From ignorance as a requisite condition come fabrications. Whether or not there is the arising of Tathāgatas, this property stands—this regularity of the Dhamma, this orderliness of the Dhamma, this this/that conditionality. "'With existence as condition, birth' ... 'With clinging as condition, existence' ... 'With craving as condition, clinging' ... 'With feelingas condition, craving' ... 'With contact as condition, feeling' ...'With the six sense bases as condition, contact' ... 'With name-and-form as condition, the six sense bases' ... 'With consciousness as condition, name-and-form' ... 'With volitional formations as condition, 'consciousness' ... 'With ignorance as condition, volitional formations': whether there is an arising of Tathagatas or no arising of Tathagatas, that element still persists, the stableness of the Dhamma, the fixed course of the Dhamma, specific conditionaIity. От пребывания в качестве условия - рождение... от привязанности в качестве условия - пребывание... от жажды в качестве условия - привязанность... от ощущения в качестве условия - жажда... от соприкосновения в качестве условия - ощущение... от шести сфер чувств в качестве условия - соприкосновение... от умственно-телесного в качестве условия - шесть сфер чувств... от сознания в качестве условия - умственно-телесное... от волевых конструкций в качестве условия - сознание... от неведения в качестве условия - волевые конструкции. Появляются ли Татхагаты или нет - это свойство остаётся, эта непоколебимость порядка вещей, эта закономерность порядка вещей, обусловленность одного другим.
Taṃ tathāgato abhisambujjhati abhisameti. A Realized One understands this and comprehends it, The Tathāgata directly awakens to that, breaks through to that. A Tathagata awakens to this and breaks through to it. Татхагата полностью познаёт и постигает это.
Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññāpeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti. then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it. Directly awakening & breaking through to that, he declares it, teaches it, describes it, sets it forth. Having done so, he explains it, teaches it, proclaims it, establishes it, discloses it, analyses it, elucidates it. Полностью познав и постигнув, он объясняет, учит, провозглашает, устанавливает, раскрывает, анализирует и разъясняет.
'Passathā'ti cāha 'avijjāpaccayā, bhikkhave, saṅkhārā'. ‘Look,’ he says, ‘Ignorance is a condition for choices.’ He reveals it, explains it, makes it plain, & says, ‘Look.’ And he says: 'See! With ignorance as condition, bhikkhus, volitional formations.' И он говорит: "Смотрите! От неведения в качестве условия - волевые конструкции."
Iti kho, bhikkhave, yā tatra tathatā avitathatā anaññathatā idappaccayatā – ayaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, paṭiccasamuppādo. So the fact that this is real, not unreal, not otherwise; the specific conditionality of it: this is called dependent origination. From ignorance as a requisite condition come fabrications. What’s there in this way is a reality, not an unreality, not other than what it seems, conditioned by this/that. This is called dependent co-arising. "Thus, bhikkhus, the actuality in this, the inerrancy, the not otherwiseness, specific conditionality: this is called dependent origination.[54] Итак, о монахи, то что здесь является реальностью, непреложностью, не иначе, обусловленностью одного другим - это называется обусловленным возникновением.